Thanks Mark. I will get that posted soon. This is a good start.
Post by Mark A. ParsonsWhile it is possible to unmount and mount a database between dataservers,
both dataservers have to be at/above ASE 12.5.1 version. But there are
other issues to consider, too ...
- doubtful this will work when moving the database devices between little
and big endian hardware
- may not work if moving between different OS's (but on same size endian hardware)
- would need to figure out how to get logins/passwords/roles moved over
from the old master database to the new master database (doable, just need
to keep in mind if you don't want to recreate
logins/passwords/roles/groups/users/aliases once you bring the database
online in the new dataserver)
- dump-n-load (using ASE's backupserver) the database betweeen platforms;
there are some limits based on ASE versions, OS versions, and little vs
big endian hardware
- dump-n-load (using a logical backupserver product, eg, SQLBacktrack);
it's been a long time since I used SQLBacktrack but there should be
relatively few limits in regards to ASE/OS/endian versions
- create the new database and then migrate objects and data between the
old and new databases; migration could take the form of manual DDLs,
bcp's, CIS/proxy tables, sybmigrate, replication subscription
materialization, ...
If you have additional questions you should consider posting the following
so that the forum members have a better idea of what may or may not be
dataserver exists then the version string output from 'sqlsrvr -v' will
- output from 'sp_helpdb' run on the old dataserver, with mention of which
database(s) you're looking to move (this will give us an idea of the
number/sizes of databases that have to be moved)
Post by fiaolaHello,
I have a Sybase 12 DB that i want to move to a development machine, which
runs ASE 15. What is the proper procedure to do this? In SQL Server
2005, you can just DETACH and then copy the files to the new machine, and
then ATTACH. Is there a similar procedure in Sybase to do this?
I'm moving the DB to a development machine with ASE 15 installed on an XP
workstation. Has anyone done this successfully by using this
Thanks in advance.