Mikhail T.
2006-11-22 22:16:42 UTC
How can we configure the audit functionality to record only the
data-modifying events?
For example, it appears, that switching a database to/from "single user"
mode counts as "event" and gets recorded in the audit...
As a work-around, if not-recording such events is impossible, how can they
be ignored?
For example, our backup application uses the following query:
select db_name(dbid), max(eventtime) from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01
group by dbid;
to determine, which databases were modified since the last time they were
backed up (the results of the queries are compared with the timestamps of
the dumps on the file-system).
How can the above query be modified to consider only the data-modifying
events? Is there anything in the "extrainfo" column, perhaps?
How can we configure the audit functionality to record only the
data-modifying events?
For example, it appears, that switching a database to/from "single user"
mode counts as "event" and gets recorded in the audit...
As a work-around, if not-recording such events is impossible, how can they
be ignored?
For example, our backup application uses the following query:
select db_name(dbid), max(eventtime) from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01
group by dbid;
to determine, which databases were modified since the last time they were
backed up (the results of the queries are compared with the timestamps of
the dumps on the file-system).
How can the above query be modified to consider only the data-modifying
events? Is there anything in the "extrainfo" column, perhaps?
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