Configuring sysaudit to record only data-modifying events
(too old to reply)
Mikhail T.
2006-11-22 22:16:42 UTC

How can we configure the audit functionality to record only the
data-modifying events?

For example, it appears, that switching a database to/from "single user"
mode counts as "event" and gets recorded in the audit...

As a work-around, if not-recording such events is impossible, how can they
be ignored?

For example, our backup application uses the following query:

select db_name(dbid), max(eventtime) from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01
group by dbid;

to determine, which databases were modified since the last time they were
backed up (the results of the queries are compared with the timestamps of
the dumps on the file-system).

How can the above query be modified to consider only the data-modifying
events? Is there anything in the "extrainfo" column, perhaps?


Sybase! Release the OpenClient's source -- under any license...
2006-11-23 00:45:15 UTC
Post by Mikhail T.
How can we configure the audit functionality to record only the
data-modifying events?
For example, it appears, that switching a database to/from "single user"
mode counts as "event" and gets recorded in the audit...
As a work-around, if not-recording such events is impossible, how can they
be ignored?
select db_name(dbid), max(eventtime) from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01
group by dbid;
to determine, which databases were modified since the last time they were
backed up (the results of the queries are compared with the timestamps of
the dumps on the file-system).
How can the above query be modified to consider only the data-modifying
events? Is there anything in the "extrainfo" column, perhaps?
I'm not sure why you are taking this approach when any
transactional activity (i.e. data modifying events) will
populate the transaction log. I would check the log instead.

-am © MMVI
