restoring a db dump made from Sun Solaires to a Windows-based Sybase
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Peter Lo
2007-10-24 15:43:53 UTC
Hi! I know Sybase supports cross-platform db backup/restore. I could
successfully restore a HPUX db dump to a Windows-based Sybase. However, when
I tried to restore a SUN SOLARIS db dump to my Windows-based Sybase, I was
able to restore without getting errors. However, when I ran apps against
this database, the errors occurred saying that a table is missing. My debug
found that the sysobjects was corrupted. My question is that is there a way
in Sybase to verify this at the remote site where the Sun Solaris db dump is
prepared before the db dump file is burned into a DVD. I know, at remote
site, one way to verify this is to restore db dump to a Windows-based Sybase
at the same site. In addition to this method, is there other way to be sure
I can perform cross-platform db restore and the resulting database is a GOOD
one (i.e. any options can be used while preparing db dump). Thanks
Manish Negandhi
2007-10-24 16:49:40 UTC
Ideally when you while dumping and loading the database should be
transactionally quiescent before the
DUMP command is executed i.e. no changes should happen when the
database is being dumped
Following steps are recommended by Sybase while performing cross
platform dump and loads

1 .Put the database in single user mode using sp_dboption
2. Run sp_flushstats and wait for the pages to be flushed
3. Checkpoint the database

just to nail down the issue further, can you also run the same dbcc at
HPUX side to find out if the table was good enough there and it was
because of cross platform load that the problem happened ?

Post by Peter Lo
Hi! I know Sybase supports cross-platform db backup/restore. I could
successfully restore a HPUX db dump to a Windows-based Sybase. However, when
I tried to restore a SUN SOLARIS db dump to my Windows-based Sybase, I was
able to restore without getting errors. However, when I ran apps against
this database, the errors occurred saying that a table is missing. My debug
found that the sysobjects was corrupted. My question is that is there a way
in Sybase to verify this at the remote site where the Sun Solaris db dump is
prepared before the db dump file is burned into a DVD. I know, at remote
site, one way to verify this is to restore db dump to a Windows-based Sybase
at the same site. In addition to this method, is there other way to be sure
I can perform cross-platform db restore and the resulting database is a GOOD
one (i.e. any options can be used while preparing db dump). Thanks
Peter Lo
2007-10-24 18:08:57 UTC
First, We want to thank for your help!

OK! I will ask our client to do db dump taking Sybase recommendation and
your suggestion.
This client has sent us a db dump (a dump file from Sun Solaris) before, and
we had problem
with database created by this dump file.

Now, we asked this client (in other country) to send us another dump again.
I just want to make
sure this time we won't running into the same problem again.

I saw another post regarding to cross-platform restore. A question was asked
about "How dump
file was transferred?" What our client did for the last db dump, they dumped
the database in Sun Solaris, then transfer
stripped dump files to a Windows machine, and burned them into 5 DVDs. Would
this cause problem?

-- Peter Lo
Post by Manish Negandhi
Ideally when you while dumping and loading the database should be
transactionally quiescent before the
DUMP command is executed i.e. no changes should happen when the
database is being dumped
Following steps are recommended by Sybase while performing cross
platform dump and loads
1 .Put the database in single user mode using sp_dboption
2. Run sp_flushstats and wait for the pages to be flushed
3. Checkpoint the database
just to nail down the issue further, can you also run the same dbcc at
HPUX side to find out if the table was good enough there and it was
because of cross platform load that the problem happened ?
Post by Peter Lo
Hi! I know Sybase supports cross-platform db backup/restore. I could
successfully restore a HPUX db dump to a Windows-based Sybase. However, when
I tried to restore a SUN SOLARIS db dump to my Windows-based Sybase, I was
able to restore without getting errors. However, when I ran apps against
this database, the errors occurred saying that a table is missing. My debug
found that the sysobjects was corrupted. My question is that is there a way
in Sybase to verify this at the remote site where the Sun Solaris db dump is
prepared before the db dump file is burned into a DVD. I know, at remote
site, one way to verify this is to restore db dump to a Windows-based Sybase
at the same site. In addition to this method, is there other way to be sure
I can perform cross-platform db restore and the resulting database is a GOOD
one (i.e. any options can be used while preparing db dump). Thanks
Manish Negandhi
2007-10-26 09:05:18 UTC
Post by Peter Lo
What our client did for the last db dump, they dumped
the database in Sun Solaris, then transfer
stripped dump files to a Windows machine, and burned them into 5 DVDs. Would
this cause problem?
As far as dump taken was good, this should not create a problem. Just
a thought, while transferring dump files from Unix to Windows you
might want to user binary mode during FTP


Bret Halford
2007-10-24 18:12:48 UTC
Exactly what versions of ASE on both platforms are you using?

Post by Peter Lo
Hi! I know Sybase supports cross-platform db backup/restore. I could
successfully restore a HPUX db dump to a Windows-based Sybase. However, when
I tried to restore a SUN SOLARIS db dump to my Windows-based Sybase, I was
able to restore without getting errors. However, when I ran apps against
this database, the errors occurred saying that a table is missing. My debug
found that the sysobjects was corrupted. My question is that is there a way
in Sybase to verify this at the remote site where the Sun Solaris db dump is
prepared before the db dump file is burned into a DVD. I know, at remote
site, one way to verify this is to restore db dump to a Windows-based Sybase
at the same site. In addition to this method, is there other way to be sure
I can perform cross-platform db restore and the resulting database is a GOOD
one (i.e. any options can be used while preparing db dump). Thanks
Peter Lo
2007-10-24 19:02:57 UTC
Source: 11337 ESD#3 (Sun Solaris)
Target :Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF 12461 ESD#2 (Windows)

-- Peter Lo
Post by Bret Halford
Exactly what versions of ASE on both platforms are you using?
Post by Peter Lo
Hi! I know Sybase supports cross-platform db backup/restore. I could
successfully restore a HPUX db dump to a Windows-based Sybase. However, when
I tried to restore a SUN SOLARIS db dump to my Windows-based Sybase, I was
able to restore without getting errors. However, when I ran apps against
this database, the errors occurred saying that a table is missing. My debug
found that the sysobjects was corrupted. My question is that is there a way
in Sybase to verify this at the remote site where the Sun Solaris db dump is
prepared before the db dump file is burned into a DVD. I know, at remote
site, one way to verify this is to restore db dump to a Windows-based Sybase
at the same site. In addition to this method, is there other way to be sure
I can perform cross-platform db restore and the resulting database is a GOOD
one (i.e. any options can be used while preparing db dump). Thanks